a Living Breathing Journal of My PTSD Journey. as I Paint through the Pain & Celebrate Life.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
~Who knew [possums had attitide]
A neighbor mowed, and My sister weeded..... It's a small yard, yet it brings Me serenity. I set out at the table My Children gave Me for Mother's Day, and watch the dragonflies. It a small garden yet quaint. They other night My sister, and I could believe this big fat possum just sat in the garden with attitude just sat looking on to Us. As She ate away at the eggplant , and tomatoes. We couldn't stop watching her, watching Us. I was thinking, she is just like Peter rabbit, She will be too full to pass under the fence. Then to My surprise We, just watched her climb over and away..... [Who knew]
Saturday, July 26, 2014
[]ur Church approved,[]ur ant-bulling gathering~This is the letter We composed for []ur local news paper [Please write]

Thursday, July 24, 2014
~I have been very depressed` have You ever seen the movie [The Jacket]
What a delight to wake up to My Family ~My daughter waking Me up, nudging Me to watch the 7th Harry Potter. We have been watching them throughout My recovery. My Sister ,and Scooter have been here, or I go to her house on the weekends. My Mother, and all of My Children make time to be here with Me. And Pastor finally brought to the Church council, about the anti-bulling Project. It's now a matter of time , before We bring it to light [ it a very posssitive passion/ aka as serving My purpose! ~ I say Thank God for anti-depressants= I believed they saved Me. This was a hard two years`plus- and pain is a trigger to ptsd people..... I thank God, for waking up in such wonderful environment of L[]VE/ I love to wake up to My reality. And have problem N[] admitting I've been very depressed.........= for when I sleep it's filled with nightmare [a little like the movie = The Jacket]
What a delight to wake up to My Family ~My daughter waking Me up, nudging Me to watch the 7th Harry Potter. We have been watching them throughout My recovery. My Sister ,and Scooter have been here, or I go to her house on the weekends. My Mother, and all of My Children make time to be here with Me. And Pastor finally brought to the Church council, about the anti-bulling Project. It's now a matter of time , before We bring it to light [ it a very posssitive passion/ aka as serving My purpose! ~ I say Thank God for anti-depressants= I believed they saved Me. This was a hard two years`plus- and pain is a trigger to ptsd people..... I thank God, for waking up in such wonderful environment of L[]VE/ I love to wake up to My reality. And have problem N[] admitting I've been very depressed.........= for when I sleep it's filled with nightmare [a little like the movie = The Jacket]
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
~[]riganal song by Alezia~ [A Picture of You ]
~Woke up having a grandiose moment, I wake up singing..... And My Daughter walked in on Me, recording it to My phone. In her questioning, I replied these are the reasons= it's been so important to Me, why as a Mother " I would try to influence My children to learn an instrument. Because even though these songs are born to Me, the lay dormant ~they have no birth....As for grandiose, there have been times` []f course with a much better song=A song, I feel is tailored to her []ne that is suited for Lady Ga Ga.[the art of the video is even mapped out in My head] I've tried to reach out to her~ although She follows Me on twitter, I cannot get `said song to her. It called "duplicity" So My daughter asked Me, how often do write songs= I hold her " it like a gentle wind, that plays through the wind chime~ It's only heard []nce, and it's up to Me, to capture it.
The Picture of You
If I could have, one thing to hold.
If it came down, to one thing I own.
And time could never tatter, or fray.
A moment of time, without age.
I would have firmly, grasped in My hand.
No matter, My travels~
The one thing, I would always have.
"Is the picture of You", with Me.... ~Alezia
Monday, July 21, 2014
~Positive thinking~ [ P[]WER of PRAYER]
~Positive thinking ,realy use to be my strength [ My strong suit]. As if I were the magnet, and My agenda was the steel. And this, the strength of My mind~ I would materialize, would reel in what I needed. Always only, what I needed. I would never materialize a want. []r You can even call it the power of Prayer.... I would write My wish, or My prayer on a piece of paper [pray on it, fold it up` then place it in my pillow] an example=If I heard a friend fell ill, perhaps cancer. And testing was under way, I would pray on this" daily". Until they heard the results~ and I felt as though, the Power of prayer, along with the strength of others ~would minimize/ the said cancer...... []ur Scooter, My sisters pet, who is like her child= Is terminal. In December they said ' He may only have weeks. I lay My hands on him, in prayer every day....[]f course it is a matter of time, but for now in the mean time.... L[]VE, keeps Scooter/aka B[][]Ts alive~ and God will take him, when it's his time. But I lend all My super hero power, to him to thrive.... Positive thinking is Powerful. We all GR8 energy, put t to G[][]D use...... [Like Lydia, she has grown so much, She realy is a miracle." AS I PRAY"
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Though this time of healing, I reflect somewhat on the Me , I use to Be. I've been disabled for over two years now, and It's been a empowering learning experience . I've had to learn to lean, on others, and trust. Have You ever done the test of trust.~ Where You stand straight up, an allow Yourself to trust those behind You to catch You when You fall straight back~without peeking . To fall { and allow someone to catch You} [I've been told I'm the worst patient. My role is a Mother, and I' use to doing for other's so it been quite humbling. I haven't been able to drive for over two years. This has been very difficult for my family to have to take care of Me, and take Me to all my appointments~ As it has been hard for Me to allow them....... [Growing pains] But the more time passes, it will be three weeks Monday since My surgery. And even though there is no bending, or reaching...... I am so aware of all the belonging that out of My reach~ but there will come a time, when all things will be back in My reach..... [I will, I can= I just need to have more patience.] Again back to patience,and trust...... And hope, and the determination to re-train my thoughts to I WILL, and I CAN! = I WILL BUILD A VILLAGE!
Saturday, July 19, 2014
~Send Me on My way~ [Rusted Roots]
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"Send Me On My Way"
(On my way, on my way)
(On my way, on my way)
I would like to reach out my hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run (On my way, on my way)
You know what they say about the young.
Well pick me up with golden hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run (On my way, on my way)
You know what they say about the young.
Well, I would like to hold my little hand
And we will run, we will, we will crawl, we will
I would like to hold my little hand
And we will run, we will, we will crawl
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Mm hmm (On my way)
I would like to reach out my hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run (On my way, on my way)
You know what they say about the young.
Now pick me up with golden hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run (On my way, on my way)
You know what they say about the young.
Well, I would like to hold my little hand
And we will run, we will, we will crawl, we will
I would like to hold my little hand
And we will run, we will, we will crawl
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Mm hmm (On my way)
Well, I would like to hold my little hand
And we will run, we will, we will crawl, we will
I would like to hold my little hand
And we will run, we will, we will crawl
Send me on my way
Send me on my way
Send me on my way
On my way
Send me on my way
Send me on my way
I would like to reach out my hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run (On my way, on my way)
You know what they say about the young.
(On my way, on my way)
I would like to reach out my hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run (On my way, on my way)
You know what they say about the young.
Well pick me up with golden hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run (On my way, on my way)
You know what they say about the young.
Well, I would like to hold my little hand
And we will run, we will, we will crawl, we will
I would like to hold my little hand
And we will run, we will, we will crawl
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Mm hmm (On my way)
I would like to reach out my hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run (On my way, on my way)
You know what they say about the young.
Now pick me up with golden hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run (On my way, on my way)
You know what they say about the young.
Well, I would like to hold my little hand
And we will run, we will, we will crawl, we will
I would like to hold my little hand
And we will run, we will, we will crawl
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Send me on my way (On my way)
Mm hmm (On my way)
Well, I would like to hold my little hand
And we will run, we will, we will crawl, we will
I would like to hold my little hand
And we will run, we will, we will crawl
Send me on my way
Send me on my way
Send me on my way
On my way
Send me on my way
Send me on my way
I would like to reach out my hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run (On my way, on my way)
You know what they say about the young.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Fill the shoes God gave you to wear. Trying to wear someone else's shoes is painful-and they never fit right. But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.
I still intend, with all My might to build a Village~where We can all come together, and paint. Create music, and All be Who God intended Us to be. My L[]VE, You are here. I am here, and You are not alone.........
~works in progress~[baby steps]
Began a painting in a sketch pad the other day, due to My impatience I started two. I over do it, trying to wait for it to dry~so I started another..... It's My attempt to paint [create] I'm use to a much larger scale of canvas.........{ My use to be Me} would paint six painting at a time .......baby steps= working with acrylics [A1]
Thursday, July 17, 2014
~Jersey tomato's~
The simple J[]Y's of life. What a pleasure it is to open my back door, and see a garden. To see the beautiful colors of a tomato on the vine. I try very hard not to take life for granted, although it is masked by antidepressants .And I've become aware of my vanity, I wear a scarf in most photographs to cover the stiches. I'm sure once the stiches are removed, I will gain the strength to wear the scar as a badge. [another thing I survived] I feel powerless, because all of this has been of My control. And they say I have a TBI=[ brain injury],it is a serious matter, it is something a lot a athletes are left to deal with...... I think what makes it hard is, I know how I was as a being. I had false hope it will go away= yet it hasn't. I try to remain positive, and work with Who I am today~rather then who I was. It truly is a stumbling block, when those Who know Me~ expect Me to, to recover back to myself ...... Acceptance is setting in= this is Me now. This is the best Me~ I can be [take it, or leave it] It's been hard on my family. I won't get in the car without steal box cutter, And now with the brace on My neck, I'm ever more frightened. I ride with three pillows, one circle pillow behind my neck. One across my chest, and one on My lap= then I put My seat belt on. It gives more room to free myself, to cut myself out, and the cutter is blunt enough to brake the windows.[need less to say, I hate electric locks, and windows] Mostly because the car that hit us was on fire, and I was restrained.... So a simple ride to the store is terrifying to Me.[that may never change] I'm gonna go for awhile, since My pain, is doing all the all talking.....And sit on the back step, and listen to life around me, the birds are calming, and day is beautiful. I thank God out loud, for letting Me be apart of the universe. X[]x
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
~When people see things as beautiful,
ugliness is created.
When people see things as good,
evil is created.
Being and non-being produce each other.
Difficult and easy complement each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low oppose each other.
Fore and aft follow each other.
Therefore the Master
can act without doing anything
and teach without saying a word.
Things come her way and she does not stop them;
things leave and she lets them go.
She has without possessing,
and acts without any expectations.
When her work is done, she take no credit.
That is why it will last forever.
ugliness is created.
When people see things as good,
evil is created.
Being and non-being produce each other.
Difficult and easy complement each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low oppose each other.
Fore and aft follow each other.
Therefore the Master
can act without doing anything
and teach without saying a word.
Things come her way and she does not stop them;
things leave and she lets them go.
She has without possessing,
and acts without any expectations.
When her work is done, she take no credit.
That is why it will last forever.
~The Rose~ [Bette Midler]
by Bette Midler
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Some say love it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love it is a hunger
An endless, aching need
I say love it is a flower
And you its only seed
Its the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
Its the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
Its the one who wont be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying
That never learns to live
When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring, becomes the rose
Lyrics submitted by zoila.
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love it is a hunger
An endless, aching need
I say love it is a flower
And you its only seed
Its the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
Its the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
Its the one who wont be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying
That never learns to live
When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring, becomes the rose
Lyrics submitted by zoila.
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014
~Eden Ahbez wrote the song Nature Boy, Brought to life by Nat King Cole~
~The Greatest thing You'll ever learn, is just to L[]VE. And be L[]VED in return~ []ur Art is born to Us ,and in this case Eden Ahbez delivered it to Nat King Cole= to be sure it would live eternally. ENJ[]Y! And never give up on your dreams......
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