Some how we have to get our families, back together....So sit ,and watch a movie, enjoy a dinner together. Just spent one , on one time with eachother~ to stay conected, that' not an easy task. But is []UR goal. Or jut an old fashion board game... I know every time Rainbow, and I are together " We play Chess, winner best out of three.....Now I've never been the kinda Mom, that let's you win, You must earn it....And I think it sharpenes your skills. Like scrabble, don't love to play scrabble= when you get triple points...... Most of my children's lives, I was a single parent. I taught them to be resourceful, we can fix any thing....Jill of all trades, in those times" things were'nt eazy". But I know, in all their Goodness, I see the reflection of what I taught them..... When I think back to the drives, we would take to the shore- we sang the whole way. And what makes it even greater is, my Grand children, sing them same songs.....So all that Y[]U teach them, realy matters, your skills to survire, to self soothe, and manage most situations~ []ne on []ne time, is priceless.....Most of the time, we owned our own business,so my children could be, where I was. Step away from the library~[ it's a nice place, You should go there] So do you have library card, you should get one.....

My favorite time are reading to the children.But best of all we would write our own stories, I would encourge creativity....When kid's were little,say they were in a time out. Because they needed toput thought, in their action.... I would sent them to there room, for at least an hour.... And they assigned to write a story, before you know that hour hour, would turn to two ( of their own free will)~ And bring down to the table a masterpiece,of their own imagination....[]ne our favorite books, is= Wher did all the Dragons Go? by Fay Robinson, illustrated by Victor Lee..... This is GR8 book, you should look into it. And take the time to play chess, or checkers.... I know when I get to spent time with my Grand daughters, the first thing they say~ is MeMom can paint my nails..... And my Grandson, loves to garden, and he is three.....Love with all your might, teach your children well.....And remember when your out doors,and the trees turn their leaves, up and over to white....A storm will approach, within a half hours time.....Time to go home, see ya soon, Love Mother X[]x.
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