a Living Breathing Journal of My PTSD Journey. as I Paint through the Pain & Celebrate Life.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
~Nevermind~" Y[]UR T[]RTURING ME"
~[]MG~ We have a common saying around here, only You have to say it [with that Philly, Jersey, New York TWANG] "Y[]UR T[]RTURING ME" ........ Y[]U, have been put through the wringer with me / this makes Y[]U FAMILY~Y[]U heard of candy land, well welcome to CRAZY LAND= And I am Your T[]UR GUIDE= S[] at the advise of my Loved ones, They say CALL = make sure/ So I CALL, the inspectors office/ yeah []MG~ MY APP[]I[]NTMENT, is next WEDNESDAY, Sept the 4th~ Thanking G[]D []UT L[]UD! = Y[]UR DEALING with a crazy woman here....FEAR`makes me talk out loud, when I should just be quiet! [See/ I have another WEEK!~ I've just been T[]RTUING Y[]U= Let me make You, some some cinnimon rolls, and sweet tea= to make it up to Y[]U =L[]L/Laughing out loud!~NEVERMIND~
Monday, August 26, 2013
~A thousand miles~ [Vanessa Carlton]
Sunday, August 25, 2013
~ my Ugly shoe syndrome~
~Reality check~[Pennies from Heaven]
~In my case it was my GrandMom, we called her Nanny, she is in Heaven. Every where I step, I've finding pennies. My Daughter sent me, this photo weeks ago. I use to have a store called " pennies from heaven"....And through time, as I've said ~ I want open a store again/ aka Jabip Village.... My Duaghter came to visit me the other day, and if you don't Know= my Landlord, and the township are inspecting my apartment....Tues, or Wednesday [ I wrote it down somewhere].....My point is I've been saving racks, folding chairs " with the mind set of build it , and they will come". Well my Daughter said the most honest thing to me " Mom it look's like your a hoarder", so need less to say/thank God it's my trash night~[ I realy must let these things G[]! ] They are only taking up space, sometimes the truth hurts....But my opening a store, in my present condition~ is un-realistic...... So out the door it goes, not to mention, I have a fever, and have lost the rest of my mind.... I'm sure to make some scrapper, quite happy.... Letting it go, reality check.....[God will help me, when the time is right]
Saturday, August 24, 2013
~feel like=LIQUID MERCURY rising~
~I will be in my little corner of , my W[]RLD~
~In trying to accomplish,these tasks set before me. My PTSD is coming out full swing.... My body, is hardly capeable of what's expected of me.....I will not be posting on Google +. the next couple of days. I can feel the change in me, I will suclude myself, to my blog.... See you after this surge passes......It' like being a wolf, with a full moon.....[this kind of pain, changes me]~

~Rush Hour on Encore~@t 4:05
~Jimi Hendrix~ [purple haze]
~Make someone you L[]VE pancakes today.....In my family, I'm famous for my bananna pancakes,in color of the rainbow. And a side of green eggs, and ham. Make sweet a memory today, be sure to let your loved one, know they are loved.....Be the best You, you can be. Fairy tales can come true, and start with! Love Mother [X[]x]
Friday, August 23, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
~Roger Hodgson [give alittle bit]~[L[]VE is a thousand times stronger]
My Love, You are here, and I am here. And I don't feel so all alone~Well~ I'm up on my feet again, and have mountains to move. We are all like flower, frail. Yet given the chance~ We will grow, like I said I have so much to complete before I close my eyes Sunday night. My procedure is scheduled Monday, and the inspection, on my apartment is Tuesday, or Wednesday [determined on how I feel] ~And as I mentioned , I was pulling out my closet to sort out, what fits, and my now suits my life style...Oh , and I know this weird , but I marked at the base of my skull, where the nerves are pinched....So I can better explain to the doctor~And my Baby Sister is taking me, I must say lately " I feel helpless, it's not a fimilar feeling to me. I'm use to taking care, of everyone else [But I'm sure God is trying to teach me something, about myself. And I must be paitent, and learn. I am putty in his hands, so I must= "I say give alittle bit"
~And when your crazy, and you were'nt this crazy before= You know the difference~ I pray God, still alows me to grow my dreams, but for now I have mountains to move...."be back soon" It's nice to know Your there, it's nice to know you care8 Thank You :) [X[]x]~God isn't finished with me YET![X[]x]
~Carole King~[ I feel the earth move under my feet]
~MeMom's Monkey [Travis]~Travis ,and Mommy came over for a visit. Filled with Dragons,trains, and floppy [his favorite bunny] The circle of life, his Mommy had a bunny, when she was little....[As you can see , he does'nt sit still for long~I sent them home early, I'm like radar from mash, I can feel the rumble under my feet. There are storms in the area...And I did'nt want them traveling in bad weather~ THANKING GOD=OUTLOUD!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
~Micheal, the angel on Encore~
~May today be, a better day~[START AGAIN]
~Can anyone else see the face/this where I left off. Must finish what I began~back to the drawing board~ [May today be a better day]~ I think I'm done crying,see ya soon....[X[]x]
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
~Cry Baby~
[]nce again, your my compass. I have surgery scheduled for Monday,and now Landlord want to come in along with the municapal...To see to to it, that I painted my apartmen, per agreement....When my health, has bee crap,and now I having my ass handed to me=because I have to have this apartment finished paint, by Sunday night= before my procreedure on [Monday]...Well I feel like crying, and I'm gonna let myself.....I just pulled out all my closet's to ort throught crap for store, that may never happen~
Monday, August 19, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
~Just in case [X[]x]~
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