OK,so maybe it's,not canvas...Or going to be a video,it's better (it's my powder room) rented,but mine FORNOW! Somewhere in this process,it seem's in order for ME,to collect my sanity=I NEED TO PAINT.....Everyone say's "get your house in order first......THAT IS THE WAY,"I GET MY HOUSE IN ORDER" I calm's my soul,so I will ,with help of GOD,Get my house in order,the only way (I KNOW HOW!) Thank You,to my Freind,that lent me the camera.....The tool's are here,now I am here= I AM PRESENT,and can can be accounted for. I may not ever be the person I was, but the person I am becoming,IT's GONNA BE OK,it's gonna be better than OK......Note to me Loved one's,I LOVE YOU BIGGER THAN,THE SKY! I have save myself,the only way I know how,so I can be there when YOU, need me! And I will be there,can't wait to be,just recognize, I am here now,and as hard as it is....Without your L[]VE, I find it hard to breath,I will be hear painting, Love Mothersky X[]x Mother of the Sun,the Moon,every Star in the sky. Who dances ,and sing's with Rainbow....I miss,my Monkey's......


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