a Living Breathing Journal of My PTSD Journey. as I Paint through the Pain & Celebrate Life.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
L[][]KING F[]R L[]VE [remember when]
I'll be seeing You~limited,and humble~
Sunday, November 17, 2013
~Dance ,Dragonfly. Dance ~
~Raise Awareness This is to help raise awareness about Project You are Not Alone! Please visit their website :) http://youarenotalone.moonfruit.com/# · http://youarenotalone.moonfruit.com/#
Mother L[]VE's Y[]U.....YOU ARE NOT ALONE,ANYMORE!It's been brought to my attention (BULLY's).....We as adult ,see all the sign's...The Youth's in ,and around my life,are amazing student/then there's the bully=THEY ARE MORE THAN A DISTRACTION/INFACT [they altar the lives of many] So don't turn,and look away...GET INVOLVED/make sure that child is safe/call the police if you have to: but don't stand by and DO NOTHING! The suicide rate among teen's,is so overwhelming,that we cannot just stand by =Step fourth..help PREVENT TEEN SUICIDESend your art to Dragonflyalezia@gmail.com/Rainbow,and I will be posting your ART work this weekend.....Sendin Y[]U L[]VE,and PEACE..

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Dance like no ones watching, sing like know ones listenig. And live each day, as if it were Your last......
~Spending my Birthday with my Mother= Thanks Mom, for give me life! She showed me this video,and I wanted to share it with You. I found it to be so inspiring= Well done Dragon! Much Glitter
Monday, November 11, 2013
This painting is called Strength,for God has given me the strength to paint "with trembling hands"~By Grace of God my computer worked today. So I thank God outloud,for the strength I have,and for the LOVE that makes me strong! From my Loved ones,and have been blesed to walk this Earth for Fifty years,And have been blessed with four Children,and four Grand children.
It's my 50th Birthday....I think,I want to learn to play the cello/ok maybe the voilin"it's smaller" :D
~I Thank You all for the Strength, until we meet again "Know You are Loved, My Love You are here,and so am I! [X[]x]
It's my 50th Birthday....I think,I want to learn to play the cello/ok maybe the voilin"it's smaller" :D
~I Thank You all for the Strength, until we meet again "Know You are Loved, My Love You are here,and so am I! [X[]x]
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
~Between a rock, and a hard place~
Sunday, October 20, 2013
~Red Ribbons~
~In her stages on painting,infinity in her hair~[Is Infinity]
......It turns out my computer is crashing. In way,it mimic's me~ I am crashing, still no MRI with contrast,and my pain level is a 9...So I hardly have any words, I miss You,and I hope You know You are L[]VE. Love Mother X[]x
Friday, October 18, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
"I am blessed"
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
~My wish for You,~I hope You dance :D~
Saturday, September 28, 2013
~Change is always difficult~
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
~Sarah Bernhardt Quote~
~Your words are my food, Your breath my wine. You are everything to me~
~I would go to the ends of earth, to make You feel My L[]VE.......~Love Mother X[]x [using a free wireless/PS.The signal,is not strong enough to open my g-mail. You may have to leave comment's here.... God Bless
Friday, September 6, 2013
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
~Nevermind~" Y[]UR T[]RTURING ME"
~[]MG~ We have a common saying around here, only You have to say it [with that Philly, Jersey, New York TWANG] "Y[]UR T[]RTURING ME" ........ Y[]U, have been put through the wringer with me / this makes Y[]U FAMILY~Y[]U heard of candy land, well welcome to CRAZY LAND= And I am Your T[]UR GUIDE= S[] at the advise of my Loved ones, They say CALL = make sure/ So I CALL, the inspectors office/ yeah []MG~ MY APP[]I[]NTMENT, is next WEDNESDAY, Sept the 4th~ Thanking G[]D []UT L[]UD! = Y[]UR DEALING with a crazy woman here....FEAR`makes me talk out loud, when I should just be quiet! [See/ I have another WEEK!~ I've just been T[]RTUING Y[]U= Let me make You, some some cinnimon rolls, and sweet tea= to make it up to Y[]U =L[]L/Laughing out loud!~NEVERMIND~
Monday, August 26, 2013
~A thousand miles~ [Vanessa Carlton]
Sunday, August 25, 2013
~ my Ugly shoe syndrome~
~Reality check~[Pennies from Heaven]
~In my case it was my GrandMom, we called her Nanny, she is in Heaven. Every where I step, I've finding pennies. My Daughter sent me, this photo weeks ago. I use to have a store called " pennies from heaven"....And through time, as I've said ~ I want open a store again/ aka Jabip Village.... My Duaghter came to visit me the other day, and if you don't Know= my Landlord, and the township are inspecting my apartment....Tues, or Wednesday [ I wrote it down somewhere].....My point is I've been saving racks, folding chairs " with the mind set of build it , and they will come". Well my Daughter said the most honest thing to me " Mom it look's like your a hoarder", so need less to say/thank God it's my trash night~[ I realy must let these things G[]! ] They are only taking up space, sometimes the truth hurts....But my opening a store, in my present condition~ is un-realistic...... So out the door it goes, not to mention, I have a fever, and have lost the rest of my mind.... I'm sure to make some scrapper, quite happy.... Letting it go, reality check.....[God will help me, when the time is right]
Saturday, August 24, 2013
~feel like=LIQUID MERCURY rising~
~I will be in my little corner of , my W[]RLD~
~In trying to accomplish,these tasks set before me. My PTSD is coming out full swing.... My body, is hardly capeable of what's expected of me.....I will not be posting on Google +. the next couple of days. I can feel the change in me, I will suclude myself, to my blog.... See you after this surge passes......It' like being a wolf, with a full moon.....[this kind of pain, changes me]~

~Rush Hour on Encore~@t 4:05
~Jimi Hendrix~ [purple haze]
~Make someone you L[]VE pancakes today.....In my family, I'm famous for my bananna pancakes,in color of the rainbow. And a side of green eggs, and ham. Make sweet a memory today, be sure to let your loved one, know they are loved.....Be the best You, you can be. Fairy tales can come true, and start with! Love Mother [X[]x]
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