
Friday, July 26, 2013

~one seed, can grow a garden~

[personal strive] []NE ST[]NE at a TIME~ We all face challanges in our lives, they indeed make us who we are....I am blessed to be a M[]THER of four children. And Memom, to four grandbabies.....And extended Family,I am Sister, I am Daughter, I am an Aunt, I am your neighbor. I am, a Best Freind.....I am L[]VED, and I L[]VE......I am a child of God......I am the Village, You are the Village.... I am Thankful,every night when I close my eyes. " To have lived, and Loved". At each Church, I seek the message, and have learned in the last year....That in my becoming so fragile= I too, have a message.[I am a messenger] I live in a small city apartment, that I am so grateful for, I have alway's said if I ever won the lottery, I would buy an entire city,or at least a city block.....Wealth, IS NOT about money. It is about wisdom, and how you treat people.....When I was a child,I wanted to be an artist, and a Mother......And now, I want to build a Village.....[Tuesday night, I went to the Concert......And it just so happened I had my computer, and my two oldest Grand daughters.....Now this, was not my production. But I had ties, to all the GREAT EFFORT= of those behind the scence people, WHO MAKE IT MAGIC.....And, It was in God's House......But every being inside of me, wanted to show you[AKA/[via] live Google + hang out......Someday, I want to build Jabip, so I bring You there.......[Live] from our Studio, to where you are.....And maybe I can teach You, to L[]VE Y[]UR LIFE, AND SERVE Y[]UR P[]RP[]SE ],and from time to time= teach you to make stuffed cabbage. Or make ,a home made puppet theater, from a card board box. This week I'm making, a scroll from acient times. Tales of castles, and Dragon's (for my Grandson)........I use to write, and illistrate....I think, that' how I'll spend this D[]WN TIME~ And my bodies broke, I sure don't think I'm gone back to hair dressing, not the way I tremple.......And M[]THERING, is my favorite [ HAT ]! S[] this is where You'll find me, sewing on patches, and wishing on stars... Someway, somehow, we will build Jabip Village. []ne stone at a time, and we will make stone soup..... My Love, You are here,and so am I......[GlitterX[]x]

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