
Sunday, June 24, 2012


HANNAH GRACE, EMMA MAE and TRAVIS MICHAEL....My littlest Dragonflies... Come as you are,it's one of my favorite CHURCH expression's.............And it remind's me of that Nirvana song.....(Could'nt make it to Church today, I will pray for you, as you pray for me.....Be back soon! PS.. That was my 146th BLOG, they are the number's that connect to me/so I will put up my DARE TO DREAM! THIS IS MY DREAM/AND I DARE TO DREAM/ IT'S ALWAY'S NO UNTIL YOU ASK....SO I ASK GOD OUT LOUD! A PLACE TO LIVE,AND LOVE....A PLACE TO BRING MY BABIES,A PLACE TO PAINT,A PLACE TO OPEN MY STORE(It will be called (JABIP STATION) And I will blog from there, and on the night's on live entertainment (I hope to stream live from there) DARE TO DREAM WITH ME/ My Love ,You Are HERE, and so am I....Glitter Kisses Xxo ">LUCKY 416 GGRREEAATT IITT''SS WWRRIItTTIINNGG DDOOUUBBLLEE AAGGAAIINN!! NNEEVVEERR AA DDUULLLL MMOOMMEENNTTXX PROPERTY 416 IMAGINATION,Take us where we want to be,DARE TO DREAM WITH ME! You can do, or become any thing your heart desires,with hard work...Your imagination, and like those RED BALLOONS,don't let go of your DREAM's......All My LOVE, MotherskyDragonfly ,Glitter kisses Xxo (SO COME AS YOU ARE) Moonshine, My every Star in the Sky, My Rainbow, And Sunshine,and Mothersky....this photo is 2 yrs old....Oh how I miss us all being together X. "> "> (e A R T h)VIDEO"> My Love, You are here,and So am I/THANKS BE TO GOD/ Glitter Kisses Xxo THANK YOU,MY FRIEND......THE NEXT PERSON WHO VEIWS WILL BE # 164/way cool, it is to BE! DREAMING OUT LOUD!VERY COOL, TY (ALL COMMENTS ARE WELCOME)

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