a Living Breathing Journal of My PTSD Journey. as I Paint through the Pain & Celebrate Life.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
I'm saying I can't right now= I'm not saying I quit]~Say it isn't so......
Your health is so great a tool, in Your existence . I can't function due to all this pain. It has crippled my physical body, and mind.I keep trying to proceed, as if it not happening/aka denial. I proceed to set up My Christmas work shop~ set up all my paint , and beads as if. I let the words pass my lips to My sister, I have not beaded in a year..... I go for my test at My neurologist Wednesday~ so it isn't so....
Saturday, October 25, 2014
~Sometimes You need alittle help~
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Sitting having coffee~
No ones life is perfect~Most people have tattered families,But in mine I use be the strong one. And that has been altered~brain damage is serious, because You look fine on the outside.Yet my body, doesn't respond to my minds commands neither..... I'm learning to work with this altered self. [Probably now would not be a good time for a visited= as I get reacquainted with myself/ for even my belonging seem unfamiliar- I feel lost in a world they call=PERMANENT This will take some getting use to. ~.Because I live in a small apartment,and need to change things up for winter, I will consider it = A new beginning.....And try to make my surrounding seem less foreign, maybe it's from moving everything around for the surgery/ either way= I feel lost [like the woman, in the movie notebook..[]ver. and []ut
Friday, October 17, 2014
Where is the Justice~ I SURRENDER!
I would like to tell You why I'm so mad= but I'm restrained/ turns out they have a clause... The passenger in the car accident [who is Me] is not cover~ I guess I will be going to food banks all My life= and forever be broken = Where is the Justice/ I just may have to let go of My dreams of building Jabip Village [and sell everything I own to survive=I can't work any more [I am disabled, mind,and body/ I feel dispair , all hope feels G[]NE= at least at the end of all this suffering, I thought I could open a store, hold meeting, and gallery the works of other artist like ME= today surrender, and GIVE it to G[]D, because I can't handle this body,or mind ~I've been left with.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
~Don't put Your trust in walls, `Cause walls will only crush You when they fall~[Be here now,here now] Ray LaMontatage
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"Be Here Now"
Don't let your mind get weary and confused
Your will be still, don't try
Don't let your heart get heavy child
Inside you there's a strength that lies
Don't let your soul get lonely child
It's only time, it will go by
Don't look for love in faces, places
It's in you, that's where you'll find kindness
Be here now, here now
Be here now, here now
Don't lose your faith in me
And I will try not to lose faith in you
Don't put your trust in walls
'Cause walls will only crush you when they fall
Be here now, here now
Be here now, here now
Your will be still, don't try
Don't let your heart get heavy child
Inside you there's a strength that lies
Don't let your soul get lonely child
It's only time, it will go by
Don't look for love in faces, places
It's in you, that's where you'll find kindness
Be here now, here now
Be here now, here now
Don't lose your faith in me
And I will try not to lose faith in you
Don't put your trust in walls
'Cause walls will only crush you when they fall
Be here now, here now
Be here now, here now
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
~Be sureto L[]VE the the people around Y[]U= Life is a GIFT~[ Life is short, and unpredictable]
Friday, October 10, 2014
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Rebe ling
[ Reincarnated ]~Rebe ling ~ I was told awhile back not to write about my accident experience......Yesterday my Sister took me to cognitive therapy, this has very difficult on my family [my Children ] Acceptance , so I took a print out of my accident report to councilor , because I've never seen it before..... I found it to be devastating, although the timing was right [because of the company I was in] We realize, the person I was is gone. And portions of my memory recall, my use to be abilities. We had a family salon for years, and when that closed do to the economy, I became a Mall girl ~ I worked at a salon in the mall= I prided myself on perfection/ those days are gone. so in counseling we decided to approach this as a reincarnation= bits of how I was, and how I am...... I have a memory from long ago, I worked at a place in the mall,and they did my hair, and make-up they took to photos. One my hair was up, my wardrobe was white [ I thought it looked very regal]. Then the other was my hair blown out, it looked wild and savage . Well I walked through the mall, and there was this 80 x 80 poster of Me hanging..... I remember be upset, because it wasn't the one I liked~ my point was I didn't see the honor that they choose my poster.[Because it wasn't the one I wanted ] YOU CAN'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT = YOU GET WHAT YOU NEED = I will never be who I use to be, I am how I am, and who I am now, and although I haven't painted since before my accident= My family has encouraged Me to sketch, so I will.... And I know I sounds crazy, to still want a store, but I do = because I know there are alot of people like Me [who are misplaced] And I still was to build a Village for all of US misfits. Much L[]VE DragonflyAlezia X[]x
Friday, October 3, 2014
The up side is it's not all in my head. [I am blessed ]
[It's all in my brain] Tried to improve by taken the anti-depressant =but It was causing Me heart palpitations. Back to square one. Now it's in the hands of the neurologist, they are offering Me cognitive therapy. Which I welcome,to re-teach Me. And I really thought having the neck surgery, I would be better. Now the neurologist needs to re-test, because I have numbness down throughout my limbs [EMG] electromyography= measures electrical activity in the muscle. And [NCV] nerve conduction velocity= measures the speed and intensity of the electrical signals that travel along the nerves and the time it takes the muscle to respond......These test provide an accurate diagnosis and are ordered to determine the cause of muscle weakness, pain, numbness, spasms,and paralysis.They will show if the symptoms have resulted from nerve or muscle injuries.
I'm having a hard time coming to terms with it.They are going to re-test my limbs,because of the time that has passed it's permanent.I keep telling Myself it could be worst. And it's getting better.
I'm having a hard time coming to terms with it.They are going to re-test my limbs,because of the time that has passed it's permanent.I keep telling Myself it could be worst. And it's getting better.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
~Learning to cope~
[traumatic brain injury] permanent nerve damage~ It is settling in, because it is permanent it's not going away~ Saw the neurologist, I stopped posting my progress after my surgery = because I didn't feel better.While the artificial disc, has held my neck up.The numbness through my body remains, I have been staying with My Sister, because I started an anti-depressant. I have been prone to seizures, so I need to be under the care of family. I know things could be worst, and I'm grateful to be alive. To be be present to see My Children, and Grand Children. I was under the false hope,that this would pass. I even ignored the word permanent, as long as they gave Me H[]PE.... But enough time has passed, and I've been told to have acceptance [So I'm learning to cope, as I Pray]
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