I found,that when your gaurd is down, and you have no expectaions= Beautiful, meaningful things,come your way....When least expect it,when your just being your[in sweat pants,un brushed hair] self....You find ,yourself in a freind's company smiling,laughing.....I've been tearing my house up,looking for an important document.....My life is wonderful,just de-railed....It's not much that I try to run the show anymore,I do give it God. I just wish God would give me back my memory. Because not much feel's fimilar. So fear of the un-known, fear ,and worry for my family,Fear,I may never be same again,I have'nt painted-I think,I've afaid I can't,plus the vacancy has shut me down..... My Churh is going to have a comitte meeting,they want me to paint a mural for the Church....Joy to be able to serve my purpose.[Seems my inspiration has been lost,and with my favorite things,and my memory missing,I've been lost....But my very thoughtful freind,who I thought hardly knew me,perhap's know's me better,then I know myself....Had perspective=Inspiration/a gift of my favorite prints [I look at it,and I can't wait to paint,when I find that crack in the day, I will crack open those paint's= who knew,Thank You Freind=A reminder of who I am, I am Mothersky/aka MeMom X[]x
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