WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER~[Spoke with Pastor] In my Church we are dedicating the month of July to Anti-Bullying ........It is an epidemic ,sweeping through []ur Nations . ~From self harm to suicide ,right now it is in it's beginning stages.... I feel so passionate about this subject, and want to shed light in the darkness...... We will be accepting letters, and read them out loud in Church... Anonymous of course= " I will soon get back to You with more information, if You would like to write, I will soon have an address You can mail ,a letter too! X[]x Love Mother
a Living Breathing Journal of My PTSD Journey. as I Paint through the Pain & Celebrate Life.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
~In GR8 Company~

~ Scooter is home from the hospital ,he had gone for the day his cancer is spreading. There is fluid on his kidney's according to the ultra sound, We will know more on his visit Tues, He is such a sweet loyal being= He is L[]VE, and very L[]VED, and GR8 company .~I have a fever , and have an appt. with my Family doctor, probably going on a steroid.... The ant-bodic hasn't broke the fever/ growl pushing through= 'm in GR8 company!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
"I'm everything I am, because You L[]VE Me"
Mother is very tired Today, over tired in fact.... My Sister say's " I'm too hard on myself. And She ,and Michael insist I take it easy today" .If it weren't for that fact that I have a fever, I would over ride their helpful decision ..... Good NEWS is We passed Township inspection, My new apartment is official.... And My Sister lives upstairs, We all share Scooter.... My Spine specialist say "not to get the blood work, or x-ray, until I'm somewhat germ free"....Or the insurance Co.will bail.~.G[]D has a WAY of SL[]WING US DOWN! WhenWe are not doing things ,in his time= I'm in G[][]D C[]MPANY, even though I'm grumpy.. :/

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Monday, May 26, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
~Teach []ur Children Well~ [ Crosby Still, Nash, & Young]
"I am waiving the white flag" [Inner family quarrel] ~Not all families get along.So what are We teaching our Children, when a Grandchild quotes, "that their Grandparent can't be in the same room". They are being taught hate, that it is not acceptable behavior.... It's un-acceptable~ I am reaching out my hand , and heart.[For the sake of the Children] Who are caught in the middle . Let's teach them L[]VE, And that We as adult, can put our differences aside . I have extended my hand..... I as a Child grew up in that cross fire. And never wanted that for my Children , and now it is carrying over into the next generation. I am waiving the white flag , of surrender ~Lets teach our Children Love. Life begins where fear ends......... ~Lets tech []ur Children Well~ As a grown Woman I reflect on my life, and can say I've done the best, that I was capable. I try to Love with my whole heart everyday.....These last couple years , since my accident have made me so humble~ I just want more life, a good life, a good existence. Good relationships, and a good quality of life..... Time is a Gift, Life is gift. I try to encourage, to mend relationships....Extend Your hand, for the sake of Family. Set a good example to Your Children......We are their teachers. I choose L[]VE!
"My wish, My dream is Peace."
Thursday, May 22, 2014
~Apart of You~
When we can't be together,And I can't be with You , know Your not alone..... For I hold You, Dear in My heart. Let the memory of our last embrace, fill You. To get You through the day, until we are face , to face.... Know You are Loved, You are cherished in My heart. ~ Know My Love will see You through.... Keep Your heart []PEN, and You will feel my L[]VE.~ Hear the memories of our laughter, listen to the trees in the distance.......They are dancing, trying to ease. Watch the dragonfly, as she passes by You. To reassure You, You are Loved, and Adored.~ Listen to the quiet, it will guide You through......You, and I will never be apart. For I am apart of You..... [Alezia/Motherskydragonfly]
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
~Need to chillout and listen to [ YES] or I'm gone to have a BF!

I've seen all goo people turn their heads each day ,so satisfied I'm on my way..........
How does anybody , get any thing done.....Today My Spine specialists office called, and we are trying the schedule a blood work panel/ to be cleared for surgery....... So I called my family doctor , to do a physical.~[ in my telling them it's pre-op] "they said Your healthcare provided will not cover ,the visit ,or blood panel.... I has to go through Motor vehicle accident insurance.... How does anybody, get any thing done...=Moved on back, to squares[] []X Somebody better bring Me a box of donuts,I 'm about to have a BF!Monday, May 19, 2014
~Making Progress~
When today for my EEG, and EKG.....Making progress, these are the test I was waiting approval for .As You know I moved into the downstairs apartment ,Arranging my art supplies in arms reach.....Beads,watercolors, sketch tablets, pre-paring to be in bed for 4 to 6 weeks.... My family rented the up-stairs apartment, until we get through this. I can,t wait to be out of this constant pain , and recovering [from disc replacement in my neck] My Doctor operates on Monday's/next Monday is a Holiday=waiting is almost []VER........X[]x
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
~Tao 28~"Be an example to the World"
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
~Brother,Sister teach Mankind~[Bring some Understanding here Today]
Monday, May 12, 2014
The waiting is killing me....... Another day, I made through another day of waiting. Waiting for a letter in the mail, waiting for the phone to ring.....Waiting to be approved, from the insurance company... It's almost two years since the car accident, I've done injections at their request. I missed a piece of mail, for an examination ~I so eagerly wait. "in order to get the surgery, I need". I wake every morning numb , numb in pain .Nerves are pinched in my neck.....The surgery will replace the disc, and then I can live without waiting. And feeling like, I about to die.... I can't wait to LIVE!~ It's like being on hold, when your on the phone on hold.....And that music, just plays, and plays........
~Woman in the Moon~
~Little Sister, Little Brother, keep on pushing. Don't believe a word about things You heard about, asking too much~ too soon.......
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Monday, May 5, 2014
~Quiet Dragonflies~
Sometimes the un-spoken word~is heard better than, anything You can say......Through this time of anguish silence . Pushes me through, and my thought's are quiet/deep like the stream. Calm on the surface, yet wearing down boulders below.....
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