G[] barefoot!
So much of My life has been wasted, waiting for the other shoe to drop. So from now on I'm just kicking them shoes off. Going barefoot! Yesterday is the past, We only have this moment. There is no promise for tomorrow.~ So live each day, as if it were Your last. And leave a lasting memory, that You L[]VED with all Your heart. We have all make mistakes, they are in the past..... Be the best You, and if some people can't love You. Or forgive You. Live up to Your own expectation. [ WE CAN'T FIX []THER PE[]PLE, WE CAN []LY FIX []UR SELVES~ And if You have truly done You best= then God is pleased with You. Just try it. First You must forgive Yourself. Then there will be some people, that walk with You. And some that walk away..... The key is You must L[]VE Y[]UR SELF, L[]VE G[]D, L[]VE LIFE.~ And drop them shoes off Your feet, and feel nature. Be in the moment, let it all be as natural as Your heart beating = BE FREE, Love Mother X[]x 
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