a Living Breathing Journal of My PTSD Journey. as I Paint through the Pain & Celebrate Life.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
I am in your Heart,when you need me (Love Mothersky, Glitter Kisses Xxo)
Something magical about being releaed from the hospital=Magic feels like CHRISTMAS.......I Thank You out loud GOD,to spent more time with my family,right my wrong's, AND SERVE MY PURPOSE! I dare to DREAM,of a place I will call Jabip Village,and your all invited........If You can't be there in person my friend (RONNIE BINCER) will help us do live google+ hang outs on THURSDAY,and SATURDAY Nights......WE JUST NEED A BUILDING TO BEGIN (A LARGE BUILDING) ALL ARTIST WELCOME/I've felt alien my whole life,in school ,I was gifted 'and talented (I had no understanding,for that!) Instead of doing school work in class,the had me painting mutals.......
Friday, September 28, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Serenity Prayer (Thankful Thursday)
One stone @t a time, We can move MOUNTAIN's........And nothing,will keep me from YOU!........ I dare to dream of a JabipVillage (And we will make stone soup) One corner @t a time....BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARDSerenity Prayer God, grant me the serenity to accept the thing's I can not change. Courage to change, the thing's I can....And the wisdom, to know the differnce.Glitter kisses Xxo
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Rare form Color me /GREEN (Rolling in the Deep)
COLOR ME GREEN!Perhaps,someday YOU,will stop by for STONE SOUP,(RIGHT ROCKY)Xxo*****
AGAIN this is the blessed mess I'm working with....This morning ,woke up with my eyes swollen shut (that's alittle scary) I'm a big sissy lollol today...... OH, I'm so old I made up lol, only in the old days, we sound words out! Sissy lol lol=crying alot........
So anyway (We are doing before,and after photos. So in the meantime watch my video,keep pressing the button, I'm trying to buy a building (see pages below to donate) or just keep pressing the button........Maybe by next year you can visit me,@t Jabipvillage @gmail.com,and we can make (STONE SOUP!) Between,now and then,there are neurologist to see, spine specialist....(LOOK I JUST WANT A BUILDING WHERE ALL MY FAMILY,CAN COME TOGETHER AGAIN! AND I WANT PAINT,I'd like report my arm's stolen,I can't find my ass either;has anyone seen it?(OK ,if you barrowed it I just want it back,I won't be mad.what?....SO ANYWAY-I heard them taking,I have something like shaken baby syndrome.(ONLY I'm not a baby) BUT I AM A SISSY LOL LOL! BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD.....I WILL PRAY FOR YOU,AS YOU PRAY FOR ME! MY LOVE YOU ARE NOT ALONE,YOU ARE HERE,AND SO AM I....**

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Emotional Monday (Back to the drawing board )
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Glitter Kisses
Mark Petracci REO / Residential Property Specialist
Remax Connection 5701 RT 42 Turnersville NJ 08012
Remax Home Experts 530 S 2nd St Philadelphia PA 19147
Ph: 856 589 5393 Fax: 856 589 3505 E-mail: petracci@erols.com
web: www.mpetracci.remax-nj.com
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
This too shall pass!
Sorry for my vacancy (I'm begining to understand, I've been in denial).......It's on the otherside of eARTh from Jabip Village.........I'm no doubt,in my mind "having seizures"
Thursday, September 20, 2012
(my FORNOW Studio)/JabipVillage
ONE STONE @T A TIME (I DARE TO DREAM OF JABIP VILLAGE) My FREIND is Home,(THANK YOU GOD,I'm sorry I yelled @t YOU! Please FORGIVE me!!!!!! I am back to setting up my FORNOW studio/Glitter Kisses Xxo
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