<3 I'm in a good place spirtually,I am living in the reckage of reality......There are boxes,upond boxes of what use to be my life.....And I'm learning,I L[]VE myself enough,that I left a tattered trail ,yet use full [map] to myself. My heart ache blockes me,from time to time,and my memories [set fear into me me,in such a way, I call it frozen with fear=anxiety]PTSD,such a tricky spell...Yet I am doing my best = to GIVE IT TO G[]D! To give myself completly to G[]D! []n the day on the car accident,They said " I was in shock",and I'm so glad I was,my Friend,and I were having a GR8 day,we just came back from dinner at one of my favorite places/ then all you can hear,was steel,crushing steel.It is one of the most horrible sound's..... We were struck on my side....I only screaming ,to my friend open your door aliitle...Because ,the car that hit us,had smoke billowing from it...My fear was,we would be trapped. G[]D, took over from there,a beautiful male (stood before me) I was only seeing shadow's= a male voice,while holding my neck,said stay still the ambulance is on it's way....Last thing I remember,was getting a glance at the other driver,and seeing him bleeding....Time stopped,next thing I remember was being put on the back board,and telling all those around me to look up,[at how pretty , the sky looked at the moment] It went from raining, to beautiful ray's breaking through,the clouds...And I survived,THANK's be to G[]D....Now I will try to stay out of his way, with my plan's,and TRY to let him show me the way! And TRY,to serve my purpose! I am so GLAD,to be HERE! Y[]U, are not alone!
THANK Y[]U GOD, for opening my eye's, to my un-finished W[]RK's......
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