I am wearing my emotion's on my sleeve....In a group,of which I attend (lastnight some one touched ,on what kind of student was I) In which circle did I fit,truley the answer was all...I ran track,and feild,so there was involved there.....If I had a free period, you would either find me in the ART room,or in the sciece lab= I was consider gifted,and talanted....My art is on the walls's of so many places,my class would walk by on their way to gym, (I would be painting a mural) I CONSIDER MYSELF an ARTIST/GEEK I seemed to get along with everyone,except THE BULLY.....I have a brother three year's younger than me,and in the course of my Father teaching him to box....I was called in to box,as well (learning to defend) So each new School,would pretty much play out, in the same sequence of event's= I was smart,pretty,had no older sibblings,a NEW (DRASTIC COMBINATION)....Girl's room gym looker room,you could bet on it like clock work...I would be in there changing for gym,in this noisy,chatty,and echos of giggling (of which to me. I love to call the cricket orchestra) hence CRICKET's are alway's quiet,when there is DANGER...The room would become still,and queit,with whisper,most would leave to attend gym...WELL here she come's,first aswinging,and were off [I'm told it's called fight,or flight]....I would take my share of bumps,then would step over her to attend gym....It's a learning process,I'm learning where my anger issues stem from,it was an ugly way to gain respect.....Thank GOD,out Schools today have a NO BULLY/TOLERENCE= and I hope this fact can help someone=PEANUT BUTTER GET's GUM OF OF YOUR HAIR! So I say to YOUNG ,TALENTED,SMART STUDENT's, STAY IN SCHOOL FURTHER YOUR EDUCATION/some day,you maybe the boss of your BULLY! KARMA is a BRAT! Much Love X[]x
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